Saturday, June 30, 2007


Some people are extremely clean. Some people are extremely organized. SOME people manage to be BOTH! I am constantly struggling in all areas of home management. It seems that as I get one aspect of the home under control, another spirals downward. I am a big fan of flylady and try to embrace her methods and principles as much as possible. Its all a continual process I realize. The following exerpt from a recent post on homeliving helper was very encouraging to me:

All homes go through stages of life. There will be times of organization and times when your house will look like someone came in and ransacked it. When you realize that life is not supposed to go smoothly, it is easy to adjust to these challenges. If you are overwhelmed and do not know where to turn, just think, you may have been created for such a time as this. You also may be leaving a message for your family by the way you handle such seemingly insurmountable tasks. There is more to cleaning up a mess than making it look nice. There is an attitude and a ministry in it.

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