I never did this with the first two children, but this time since the first two are old enough to be really, really into birthdays, I thought it would be fun if we had our own little half birthday party for Sam. We made pumpkin muffins that I dubbed cupcakes to increase their birthday appeal, and we all had a half of one, except for the birthday boy of course. Notice Ben was gleefully clutching the birthday candle. Sam seemed amused at Jake and Ben's enthusiasm for the whole thing. As usual, the enthusiasm was not well documented on camera due to the big boys' stopping whatever cute thing they are doing each time I want to take a picture!
So often, well more like constantly, I am aware of the many challenges of how little the boys are- everyone needing so much help and attention all the time. But activities like this remind me to appreciate how simple our life is too, that is if I let it be simple. I don't have to teach them long division or all the state capitols just yet, and we don't have to have hard talks about girlfriends and curfews and answer questions like, "why does God allow there to be poverty?" I want to be more aware of the simple joys of being just little, for now, like the thrill of the 6 month birthday party with pumpin spice muffins. I know these days will disappear all too quickly. They are so precious and I want to soak up every little bit!