Sunday, July 31, 2011

Meaningful work

The other night during the witching hour, things were really falling apart.  People were bored and there was lots of crying, fighting and misdirected activity.  In a moment of desperation, I recruited some kitchen helpers to use a device that turned out to be new and exciting to them: the cherry pitter!  Thankfully, all the boys wanted in on this job!  There was instant co-operation and taking turns!  It turns out this is a miracle device.IMG_0246




I also recently discovered that Jake is old enough to cut soft foods with a knife.  Give a boy a small sharp knife, appropriate supervision and some safety rules… he feels like BIG STUFF!  They do this in Montessori classrooms regularly, so I should have thought of this sooner.  He made a salad almost all on his own. 

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