Yearly traditions are so fun now that the boys are old enough to remember and anticipate special events. This year we had a great time at the fair. We stayed longer than we ever had, even through nap time! We missed seeing the BMX bikers and the Ferris wheel was not there. Ben had been looking forward to riding it all year, since he wasn’t tall enough last year. The big boys were definitely more into the rides, and trying bigger things. Jake really wanted to do the big upside down stomach flipping rides, and he probably would have if they would let 6 year olds on them.

Nascar simulator

The little 1’s farm exhibit is always one of my favorites! Here are some year by year pictures…

2011 2010


2011- maybe the last year they will think this ride is cool!



I can’t forget to mention sweet little Abby! She was the best sport ever, hanging out in the stroller, eating a pound of snacks from home, and taking a little nap without a fuss when she had enough of the fair.