Monday, August 22, 2011

The Big Day



All loaded up and ready to go!


Jake and his teacher Mrs. Teller. 


It was a great first day!  Jake was excited to go and didn’t really seem nervous at all.  Mostly it was Mommy who was a wreck.  This was my first car line pick up… what a mess!  Its going to be a big adjustment but we are excited for his year!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

End of summer and big changes

The end of summer is almost here.  This year we find ourselves on the brink of a new era for our family, because someone is going to school!  My heart is definitely still in homeschooling and it is still our first choice for our children’s education.  However, we hold this view as a “year at a time, child at a time” decision.  A combination of reasons have led us to enroll Jake at Christ Presbyterian Academy for Kindergarten this fall.  So off he will go tomorrow.  I know it is going to be a great year for him and I feel confident that the school is a very special place for him to spend so much of his day.  It has been a hard process to make this decision and while I know it is the right thing for Jake this year, part of me is still profoundly sad.


Jake is our creative, free spirited child.  We will miss having him around but we look forward to seeing what God has in store for all of us in this new chapter of Jake’s life and our family. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Easy livin’ summertime

I love these rare, cooler summer mornings with my barefooted babies in the grass.



Zinnias have been my favorite summer flowers- so easy to grow, and the more you pick, the more they bloom.  They attract butterflies too.  Perfect for a kid-friendly garden!



Ben has not put this book down all week… he is becoming very interested in learning to read!  I’m excited to have special time with Ben this year while big brother is at school.

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Williamson County Fair, 2011 edition

Yearly traditions are so fun now that the boys are old enough to remember and anticipate special events.  This year we had a great time at the fair.  We stayed longer than we ever had, even through nap time!  We missed seeing the BMX bikers and the Ferris wheel was not there.  Ben had been looking forward to riding it all year, since he wasn’t tall enough last year.  The big boys were definitely more into the rides, and trying bigger things.  Jake really wanted to do the big upside down stomach flipping rides, and he probably would have if they would let 6 year olds on them. 


Nascar simulator





The little 1’s farm exhibit is always one of my favorites!  Here are some year by year pictures…


2011                                                           2010




2011- maybe the last year they will think this ride is cool!






I can’t forget to mention sweet little Abby!  She was the best sport ever, hanging out in the stroller, eating a pound of snacks from home, and taking a little nap without a fuss when she had enough of the fair.

Friday, August 05, 2011


Jake and Ben attended their older cousin’s 8th birthday this week.  This is a fantastic idea for a big kid party- a zip line adventure course.  Both boys did each of the 8 zips on the course, some of them 85 feet above the ground!  Way to go fellas!  I wish I could have been there to participate!




daddy & tim

Jason and his oldest brother Tim

Mommy wants a turn!

Monday, August 01, 2011



The kids got a big thrill out of this web that appeared across our back door overnight.  It was taller than they are, so I think they imagined the elusive spider to be bigger than them too.