Big Ben turned 5 this week. Our second son is such a delightful guy. He generally has a very easy going attitude and brings an enjoyment of hard work and distinct sense of humor to the mix. In his free playtime, you can usually find him outside digging a big hole, collecting “treasures” like rocks, sticks, snails and other critters, sweeping dirt to create “smoke” or trying to start a fire by some impossible form of spontaneous combustion (I have not showed him the magnifying glass method or he really will start a fire!) Ben continues to have an affinity for building things out of yard treasures, blocks, legos, and anything else he can find. He is doing great with homeschooling this year and is making good progress towards learning to read. His favorite subject is math- we are using Right Start Math and he enjoys the visual and manipulative nature of this curriculum (and mommy loves teaching it too!) At his 5 year check up, he weighed in at 42 lbs (74th percentile) and 44.5 inches (80th percentile). He took the 5 year shots like such a brave little man I think I got more teary than he did.
Since we have too many children to have big expensive parties for each one every year, we have decided to celebrate certain milestone birthdays extra big- at 5, 10 and 16. When you turn 5, you can have your party at a special location of your choice. Ben picked Bounce-U, or as the boys affectionately call it, “The Jump-Jump-Slide.”
Some favorite gift this year for Ben were: a cap gun with leather holster (picked by big brother Jake), a lego set, and a military action figure set (pictured above with the cake).
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