Thursday, December 22, 2011

Advent Traditions

There are so many great fun ideas for emphasizing the true meaning of Christmas with your kids.  In retrospect, I think I have tried to do too many things at once in Decembers past and in doing so, was not as consistent or effective in implementing any of them. 


This year I simplified our daily advent activities to the Christmas chain with a verse on it each morning (I love for bible activities) and the Jesse Tree ornaments and reading each night with the advent wreath.


Each night one child had a turn with lighting the candles, opening the ornament for the advent nativity and blowing the candles out at the end.


Again, incorporating FIRE in any activity will captivate the little ones and keep them begging for more.

It was a great Advent season with the kids, and I don’t at all regret just doing these 2 simple activities each day!  Christmas was easy to set up, easy to put away, and without the stress of trying to do too much we were more able to put the focus on Jesus.

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