Friday, June 25, 2010

One substance, many forms

One of little Sam’s favorite foods is turkey meatloaf.  My cooking life is one of angst in the season of life with many little ones and Sam’s special diet.  So when its time to cook lets do bulk quantities and get it over with.   I made mini meatloaves in muffin tins and meatballs in mini muffin tins all out of the same mix.  Marvelous!





Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Are you a caboose or an engine?


My sweet friend Stephanie and I talk almost daily even though we have lived in different states for the last 8 years.  As a mom of 3 little ones and a woman who loves God and His word, she is always a great source of encouragement to me in our parallel struggles and adventures of family life.  Lately she has been asking, “Are you a caboose or an engine today?”  - Did you get up early, spend time with the Lord, and prepare yourself for the day with careful planning and intention?  Are you ready to lead or are you just trying to catch up to a runaway train?  This analogy has helped me focus and define my goals for being effective in my role as a homemaker. 

Despite my best laid plans and efforts for more productive and educational activities this morning, we ended up on the back porch blowing bubbles in our pajamas.  The train went on a detour but not completely off track.  Maybe every once in awhile that’s not such a bad thing.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Summer moments.


Happy boys.  They sure do love to eat-  Sam has been doing great so far since coming back from Cincinnati.


Ben and Sam doing some “school” together.  Using glue is always a very popular activity.  Note that Puppy and Elephant are also present in class today.IMG_4170

The Reagan and Pereira boys watching the monkeys at the zoo.

Monday, June 07, 2010

Abby’s first haircut



I did not anticipate needing to cut my infant’s hair at only 5 months old, but with the bald spots and mullet she had going I decided it was time.  The ring of crazy hair around the sides of her head reminded me of Crusty the Clown. Once the bald spots fill in and catch up with the rest of her hair, we’ll let it grow longer!  Abby started crying and flopping around in the seat so I never did get an after picture. 

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Matching “Puppies”


Sam has a special blanket that he is completely attached to.  “Puppy” as he is affectionately called has endured many illnesses and hardships with Sam, including the 8 day hospitalization and he even went into the endoscopy.  It is a sad hygiene situation when you only have one lone Puppy-the hour it takes for the washer and dryer to finish Puppy’s bath feel like an eternity when you are having a bad day and you are only 2 years old.    We finally got wise to the security object situation and purchased “A pair and a spare” pink version of Puppy for Abby- identical triplets, so there is always a backup available in crisis.  Sam was delighted to bestow these precious items on his sister.  “JUST LIKE MINE!!!!” he declared with triumph.

Surprisingly, pink Puppy seems to be just as comforting as original Puppy.  So pink Puppy is loved on by Sam and then handed over to Abby occasionally throughout the day.  I wonder how long Abby will tolerate this kind of “sharing.”