Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Happy birthday to Ben!


Ben turned four years old today.  If I could describe Ben in only a few words, they would be: industrious, kind, easy going, delightful.  This child loves to work.  He loves tools of any kind.  He will pick “real” things over toys to play with any day.  Some of his favorite non-toy picks include: a small garden pick axe (yeah, real safe!) shovels, rakes, a basketball pump, a hammer and a bungee cord. 

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Two of Ben’s most requested birthday gifts: a toy trimmer (sorry Ben, you’re just not quite ready for a real gas powered one yet) and a pair of binoculars.  Surprisingly he was most excited about the pair of goggles included with the trimmer.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Jus’ readin’ to my sister



This 100 Trucks book from the library was a smash hit with Ben and Sam.  Abby enjoyed having it read to her also!  When you have all these brothers, there is no shortage of someone to play with.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Abby’s first trip to Seattle


Abby and Mommy took a quick girls’ trip to Seattle.  The main reason for the trip was for my 95 year old grandmother to meet her littlest great granddaughter.  We were able to have several very special visits with her over the weekend.  Grandma always loves to see the babies as you can see from the pictures.  I am so thankful that she was feeling well and able to hold and play with Abby.  Then we took another short plane ride over to Idaho to visit my friend Stephanie and meet her new baby- also named Abigail.  Abby was the sweetest little traveler ever- very easy and flexible with the time change and being out of routine.  It was so nice to be back in the northwest… it will always be home to me.