Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving weekend round up.

Grandma came to visit.


The boys showed her their “Super Hero Game”


We ate yummy food.  (Mommy’s tummy grew a lot)


We went to Cheekwood to see the Wild West exhibit.


And the trains.


The boys were obsessed with seeing Buffalo Bill’s guns the whole time we were there.


We really enjoyed the beautiful weather!



We have been blessed abundantly!  Thank you Jesus for everything You are to us and all you have given us.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Keep your game face on

After having 3 babies early at 37 or 38 weeks, it felt like pure torture to be pregnant with my 4th for 40 weeks and 2 DAYS!!!  I felt like I was approaching the finish line in a marathon, and then someone moved it further out at the very last second.  Its all about your expectations!  This time I will be prepared.  No packing of a hospital bag at 35 weeks.  No cute little newborn baby items laying around mocking me that indeed, I am still pregnant.  In fact, at 36 weeks I am trying to forget that I am even pregnant at all.  36 weeks is only the beginning (of the end).  Which can start to feel very long.  No predictions of an early delivery here folks, and if anyone makes a statement toward that end out loud, I just quickly point out that we have a FULL FOUR WEEKS to go.  At least!  Lets all just sit back and talk about something other than the baby that will not be born for a very long, long time.

While we are on the subject, here are some things to never say out loud to a pregnant lady:

“Wow!  You look like you’re about ready to drop that load!”  (strange man in an elevator)

“You must be having twins!”  (gas station attendant)

Generally, commenting on the impressive size, contour, or dimensions of a strange person’s body is not going to be well received and creates awkwardness.  But for some reason, pregnancy seems to cause people to throw their social inhibitions to the wind. Really, unless you are another very huge pregnant lady, it would be okay to NOT SAY ANYTHING AT ALL. 

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Last time we brought home a baby…


I was going through some pictures tonight and was reminded of this sweet memory.  The biggest surprise to us when we brought Abby home from the hospital was how enamored little Sam was with his sister.  I did not expect a 20 month old boy to immediately be so in love with a baby.  The excitement didn’t wear off either- there was never any jealousy from Sam!  Frequently we would notice Sam was missing and would find him in our room, sitting next to Abby, softly repeating her name over and over.  He was always very gentle and kind and loved to be close to her. 


Fast forward almost 2 years!  Sam is still an awesome big brother to Abby.  They do have their moments, but you will often find Sam reading books to Abby, helping her climb up on a chair, or take the lids of the markers she wants to color with.  They have special made up games they play together, and Sam can often translate “Abby-speak” when us parents can’t understand what she is saying!  I am so thankful these 2 have each other.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sam’s Theme Song

Our third child is the most outgoing and gregarious person in the family.  He loves to entertain and perform… and sing worship songs!  We associate certain songs with events and time periods in our family history because when Sam is hooked on a song, he is going to sing it loudly everywhere he goes.  For awhile it was “Everlasting God”  and then it was “Barbara Ann” (beach boys).

Here is his latest-